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Вайшнавская библиотека



About the library

Free Vaishnava electronic and audio library is hosted here

Find the works of A.Ch. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada,

founder-acarya of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness

(ISKCON - International Society for Krishna Consciousness).

The library contains the works of Acharyas - Vaishnavas of the past centuries;

Gurus and preachers of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness


All rights reserved by authors and book publishers. The author of the library does not claim anyone's copyright and does not pursue any commercial or other benefits. All copyrights are fully reserved by the authors of the published books. The only goal pursued by the author (administrator) of the library, placing these books in his library, is the popularization of knowledge, and the free transmission of it to all those who show interest in it. If you are the author of published books - your right is to ask me to either remove this text from the library, or to add to its description, specifying the details of the author, his address and any contact information. When making any changes, I will need some evidence that you are the author of the books published below. I will be glad to hear your wishes and assist them.


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Library on Yandex

All books on the site are taken from Yandex cloud. Read books from: https://yadi.sk/d/SxjzFTfK-TLU_Q

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